Re:Thinking Europe
Re:Thinking Europe
Thoughts on Europe: Past, Present and Future
€ 14,99
eBook ePub (Adobe DRM)
Aantal pagina's
13.5 x 21 cm
Dit is een uitgave van Amsterdam University Press Amsterdam University Press
Ook beschikbaar als
Paperback - € 29,95
U bent doorverwezen vanaf de website van Amsterdam University Press. Dit boek wordt geleverd door Walburg Pers.

Yoeri Albrecht, Mathieu Segers (red.)

Re:Thinking Europe

Thoughts on Europe: Past, Present and Future

What is Europe? This question is ever more pressing, as present day Europe wallows in crisis - its deepest since the process of European integration took off in the 1950s. The current state of affairs sets the stage for this book. It brings together leading international thinkers and scholars of different generations in a feverish quest to better understand Europe's present state.

In their essays these authors engage in the paradoxes and puzzles of European identity and culture. They present new answers to the eternal question regarding 'the essence of Europe'.

An anthology of influential texts from the making of present-day Europe completes the book as a very European exercise in thinking and re-thinking Europa, its culture, history and present.
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Yoeri Albrecht

Yoeri Albrecht is directeur van De Balie in Amsterdam. Ook is hij voorzitter van Vereniging Veronica, eigenaar van onder andere het Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau en mede- initiatiefnemer van de "European Press Prize".

Mathieu Segers

Mathieu Segers (1976) is hoogleraar Eigentijdse Europese geschiedenis en Europese integratie aan de Universiteit Maastricht.